Saturday, December 1, 2018

Blood Pressure Experiment : Thai Herbal Sauna

Ataya P : It getting cooler recently, that's make my blood pressure getting higher. So, I try using old style Thai herbal sauna to reduce my blood pressure. Let's see the result...

My old school sauna tent using rice cooker machine.

Before go inside sauna tent (142/92 mmHg)

After got sauna for about 20 minute ( 137 /91 mmHg)

As result ,  Getting sauna made my SYS blood pressure reduce from 142 to 137 mmHg(-5 mmHg) and DIA reduce from 92 to 91 ( -1 mmHg)

I can say that Thai herbal sauna has some effect on my blood pressure. You may try it yourself :)

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Blood Pressure Experiment : Watermelon

Ataya P : Some researches said that watermelon can reduce your blood pressure. So, I tried it myself to find out that is true or not ?

I ate 3 pieces of these watermelons
Before eating watermelon (136/93 mmHg)

After ate watermelon about 1 hour (137/91 mmHg)

As result, My blood pressure SYS value increased from 136 to 137 mmHg (+1 mmHg) and DIA value decreased from 93 to 91 mmHg (-2 mmHg)

It seems that eating watermelon doesn't effect to my blood pressure that much.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Blood Pressure Experiment : Green Tea

Ataya P : Here comes my favourite drink, Green Tea !!  I did an experiment that how green tea takes effect on my blood pressure. Let's see the result ...

1 Cup of Matcha green tea. (1 tea spoon of green tea powder)

Before drinking green tea (137/69 mmHg)

After drank green tea for about 1 hour (129/83 mmHg)

As result, My blood pressure SYS value reduced from 137 to 120 mmHg (-17 mmHg) and DIA value increased from 69 to 83 mmHg (+14 mmHg) So, Green tea has some effect on my blood pressure. Especially with SYS value.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Blood Pressure Experiment : Milk

Ataya P : Did you that today(June 1) is World Milk Day. So, I tried experiment on milk that may effect my blood pressure. Let's see ...

I drank 1 cup of non-fat cow milk and wait for about 1 hour.

My blood pressure before drinking milk (125/80 mmHg)

My blood pressure after drank milk for about 1 hour (124/84 mmHg)

As result, My blood pressure SYS value reduce from 125 to 124 mmHg (-1 mmHg) but my DIA value increased from 80 to 84 mmHg (+4 mmHg). So, It seems that drinking milk doesn't effect my blood pressure that much. It' still healthy drink anyway ...

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Homemade Biodiesel Oil

Ataya P :  This is my experiment on how to make biodiesel oil from used vegetable oild. Let's see

1. Already filtered used vegetable oil.
2. Methanol 
3. Lye or sodium hydroxide
4. Thermometer
5. 2-3 plastic bottles. 

1. Heat up used oil for let water evaporate away.  Then wait until the oil's temperature down to 50-60 Celsius

2. Mixing warm oil with Methanol (Methanal 1 : 4 oil) and add Lye for about 1-2 tea spoons. After that close the bottle cap and shake it well for about 20 minutes. (Warning !!  It will has gas while you shake the bottle. So, you have to open the bottle cap for every 2-3 minutes to release the gas out)

 3. Place the bottle for a night then you can see the layer of  biodiesel oil on top and glycerin in the bottom. 

4. Separate only the biodiesel oil out and wash it with water by add water into biodisel , shake it softly and wait until water and oil separate into 2 layers then get only biodiesel out.(water will clean fat and leftover glycerin out) Repeat the process until the water was not muddy. Finally put the oil under the sun light to make the water evaporate out of the oil then you have pure Biodiesel !! 


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Blood Pressure Experiment : Ginger Drink

Ataya P :  Testing drinking ginger drink and see how it takes effect on my blood pressure. For detail, I wait until my blood pressure was stable and drink a glass of ginger drink. Then I just sitting and doing almost nothing for about 30 minutes. Let's see the result ...

Instant ginger drink

Before the drink

After drank for about 30 minutes

For result, Ginger drink may effected lower my blood pressure. For SYS value decreased to 135 from 137 mmHg (-2 mmHg) and DIA value decreased to 81 from 86 (-5 mmHg)

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Blood Pressure Experiment : Banana

Ataya P : Banana contains a lot of Potassium. By theory, eating banana can reduce your blood pressure. For humanity, I sacrificed myself to test is it true !! Let's see ...

 Before eating banana.

 One banana a day keeps a doctor away ...

After ate banana for about 30 minutes.

As result, My blood pressure SYS has reduced from 128 to 119 (-9 mmHg) and DIA has reduced from 77 to 69 (-8 mmHg) 

So,  Banana is your best friend if you has high-blood pressure. (Anyway, if you has kidney failure it is not good for you because your kidney may can not get potassium out of your blood)

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Homemade Compost

Ataya P : As living in Thailand, I do a lot of planting trees, flowers and vegetables. So, I need to make my own compost that cost nothing but good for your plants. Let's see ...

First, collecting brown material such as brown leaves , peanut shells, watermelon seed shell, etc. and the green material such as green leaves, banana peels, orange peels.
(Brown material is rich of minerals for your compost and green material is good for speed up decompose process )

Find good air flow basket and add brown material into the basket as the first layer.

 Then add green material as the second layer.

Brown material as the third layer and repeat the process until your basket was full. 

 Add water to make more moisture . Do NOT make it too wet or too dry !!

 Keep it away from direct sun light and placing it in good air flowing place.

After 1-2 weeks , dig the compost up and mixing it well. If the compost looks too dried then add some water. Then keep it safe and wait for next round to mixing it up again .. and again

 After 3-4 months you will get something like this. The homemade compost was ready to serve !!

*** Do NOT make your compost too wet or too dry because the bacteria might gone forever and your compost will not decompose anymore.
*** The time of decomposition is depend on your location. If you living in hot place then it will decompose so fast but it will slow down if your place is cold.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Blood Pressure Experiment : Coconut Water

Ataya P : Some said fruit that contains a lot of Potassium can reduce blood pressure. So, I decided to try with Coconut Water. Let's see ...

 High-Potassium and Manganese , They said  

Before drinking coconut water

After drank coconut water for about 30 minutes

For a result, My blood pressure SYS value has reduced to 122 from 126 mmHg (-4 mmHG) and DIA value has reduced to 78 from 80 mmHg(-2 mmHg) 

In conclusion, the coconut water may reduce my blood pressure but it have no major effect anyway.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Blood Pressure Experiment : Breakfast

Ataya P : This is the time to do experiment about blood pressure. I will measure blood pressure before and after doing or eating something. The result of blood pressure may determined what is good or bad for human. Anyway, The test subject is only me. So, It might works differently  in your case. Be open mind ...

First experiment is about eating breakfast.
My blood pressure before eating breakfast

 This morning breakfast are breads, sausage and fresh coffee.

After ate breakfast for 30 minutes. 

As result, my blood pressure SYS was up to 122 from 110 (+12 mmHg different) but my DIA was down to 70 from 81 (-11 mmHg different) 

In conclusion, If we focus only SYS value, we could say that perhaps salt in sausage and bread made my blood pressure up for about 12 mmHg. 

Hello World

This is testing post page. This blog is about Ataya P's personal experiment on various topics. Enjoy !!

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