Saturday, December 1, 2018

Blood Pressure Experiment : Thai Herbal Sauna

Ataya P : It getting cooler recently, that's make my blood pressure getting higher. So, I try using old style Thai herbal sauna to reduce my blood pressure. Let's see the result...

My old school sauna tent using rice cooker machine.

Before go inside sauna tent (142/92 mmHg)

After got sauna for about 20 minute ( 137 /91 mmHg)

As result ,  Getting sauna made my SYS blood pressure reduce from 142 to 137 mmHg(-5 mmHg) and DIA reduce from 92 to 91 ( -1 mmHg)

I can say that Thai herbal sauna has some effect on my blood pressure. You may try it yourself :)

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